(1)Our school is 60 years old.
→ Our school ( )( ) 60 years ago.
(2)Our city has five castles.
→ ( )( )five castles in our city.
(3)Nick is older than Mike.
→Mike is ( )than Nick.
(4)Jack can run fast.
→Jack ( ) ( )( )run fast.
(5)I don’t have any pencils to lend you.
→I have ( )pencils to lend you.
問1解答 (1)Our school is 60 years old. → Our school ( was )( built ) 60 years ago. ※ 「60歳」→「60年前に建てられた」と考える。 (2)Our city has five castles. → ( There )( are )five castles in our city. ※ 「あります」をhave(has)→There is/are に転換する問題は頻出。 (3)Nick is older than Mike. →Mike is ( younger )than Nick. 「より年長」 「より年下」 ※ A is 比較級er than B ⇔ B is 比較級er than A とするとき、形容詞の意味を逆にする。 例: longer ⇔ shorter / easier ⇔ more difficult / hotter ⇔ colder など (4)Jack can run fast. →Jack ( is )( able )( to )run fast. ※ canの同意表現は、be able to。6つのbe動詞[am/ are/is/was/were/will be]の可能性を考える。 (5)I don’t have any pencils to lend you. →I have ( no )pencils to lend you. ※ not + any は「一つも(一人も)~ない」。 not+any ⇔ no は頻出
(1)To play soccer on Sundays always makes me happy.
(2)It is important for you to get up early in the morning.
(3)Mr. Brown showed me some pictures.
(4)Ms. Susie asked me to bring three books.
(5)Will you tell me the way to the Minami High School ? ※Minami High School(南高校)
(1)To play soccer on Sundays always makes me happy. → 日曜日にサッカーをすることは、いつも私を幸せにします。※make A B:AをBにする (2)It is important for you to get up early in the morning. → あなたにとって(あなたが)朝早く起きることは重要(大切)です。 ※it is “形容詞”+for 人+to “動詞”・・・「人にとって“動詞”することは“形容詞“です」と訳す (3)Mr. Brown showed me some pictures. → ブラウンさんは私に何枚かの写真を見せました。 ※ “show 人 物”は「人に物を見せる」と訳す。 (4)Ms. Susie asked me to bring three books. → スージーさんは私に3冊の本を持ってくるように頼みました。 ※ ask 人 to 動詞 は「人に動詞するよう頼む」/ want 人 to動詞は「人に動詞してもらいたい」 (5)Will you tell me the way to the Minami High School ? →南高校への道を教えてくれませんか。 ※ will you tell(show)me the way to~・・・「~への道を教えてくれませんか」
1.次の英文は,サキ (Saki) が,“自分があこがれている人物 (My Hero)”というテーマで,英語の授業で行ったスピーチです。これを読んで,あとの問1~問3に答えなさい。
Who is your “My Hero?” My “My Hero” is my *great-grandmother. She is now ninety years old and she is in the *nursing home in this town. She needs help when she walks, but she is *lively. She has three sons and two daughters and they all love her very much. Her children have taken care of her *in turn for some years. So, I think she is very happy. Other old people there eat lunch with people working in the nursing home, but my great-grandmother eats lunch with her children almost every day. *Though she doesn’t live with her family, she looks very happy.
When my family goes to see her, she always smiles and tells us about the dogs she had. She took the pictures of them and they are her treasures. I like her nice and *warm smile. When I am sad, I want to visit her. She always listens to me and *encourages me. Then, I become fine and go home. She has helped me a lot since I was a child and I thank her very much. I love her very much and I also want to be a woman who is loved by my children in the future. She is my “My Hero.”
(注) great-grandmother 曽祖母 (祖父母の母) nursing home 高齢者福祉施設
lively 元気な in turn 交代で though~ ~だけれども
warm 温かい encourages 元気づける
問1 次の文章は,サキのスピーチの内容を同級生がまとめたメモです。スピーチの内容と合うように,( ア )~( ウ )に入る最も適切な数字や日本語をそれぞれ書きなさい。(10点×3点)
[ サキの“マイヒーロー”について ]
・曽祖母がマイヒーローで現在 ( ア ) 歳である。この町の高齢者福祉施設にいる。
・曽祖母の宝物は ( イ ) である。
・サキが悲しいときに曽祖母を訪問すると,いつも ( ウ ) くれて,元気づけてくれる。
問2 サキのスピーチの内容と合うように次の質問に対する答えをそれぞれ一つの英文で書きなさい。(10点×3)
1 How many children does Saki’s great-grandmother have?
2 When does Saki’s great-grandmother eat lunch with her children?
3 Does Saki want to be a woman loved by her children like her great-grandmother?
問3 次の文章は,サキのスピーチを聞いたあとで,同級生が彼女に書いた感想です。下線部①,②をそれぞれ一つの英文で書きなさい。(20点×2)
Your speech was very good. Though I don’t have a great-grandmother, Grandmother lives in the next city. My family will go there next week. ①私は数か月間彼女に会っていなかったので,会うことを楽しみにしています。 ② 彼女に美しい花を数本あげるつもりです。
第16回 解答 問1 ア 90 イ (飼っていた) 犬の写真 ウ 彼女の話を聞いて 問2 1 (例) She has five children. (She has three sons and two daughters.) 2 (例) She eats lunch with them almost every day. 3 (例) Yes, she does. 問3 1 (例) Because I haven’t seen her for a few months, I’m looking forward to seeing her. 2 (例) I will give her some beautiful flowers.