受験対策英語基礎講座 13回・14回



1.(    )内の指示に従って、次の文を書き換えなさい。  但し、1語とは限らない。

(1)Jack swims in the river. (now をつけて現在進行形の文に)

(2)Tom bought some eggs (     ) lunch. (「~するために」という意味になるようにmakeを変えよ)

(3)He broke the window yesterday. (下線部を主語にした受け身の文に)

(4)Tokyo Skytree is (     ) than Tokyo Tower. (tallを適切な形に変え、比較級の文に)

(5)Mt. Fuji is (     )mountain in Japan.         (highを適切な形に変え、最上級の文に)

(1)Jack is swimming in the river now. 
   ※現在進行形は、be動詞(am /are /is)+動詞のing形を示す。swimmingはmが2つになる。
(2)Tom bought some eggs  to make  lunch. 
   ※ to+動詞の原形を不定詞と言う。不定詞の4つの意味は必須暗記事項。
①「~すること」			②「~するための(名詞)」 
③「~するために(動詞)」	④「~して(感情の形容詞)」という4つの用法がある。

(3)The window was broken by him yesterday.
(4)Tokyo Skytree is (  taller ) than Tokyo Tower. 
(5)Mt. Fuji is ( the highest )mountain in Japan.
   「~の中で一番」という最上級は「最上級(the+est)またはthe most 原級+in(またはof)」で表す。

2.次の文章を( )内の指示に従って書き換えなさい。

(1)Jack is a man.  He knows everything in his town. (関係代名詞を使い、2文を1文に)

(2)The bag is nice.  My mother bought the bag in Italy. (関係代名詞を使い、2文を1文に)

(1)Jack is a man who(またはthat) knows everything in his town.
(2)The bag which(またはthat) my mother bought in Italy is nice. 

3.次の日本文の意味になるよう[   ]内の単語を並び替えなさい。

(1) 声の命令に反応するスマートフォンは近頃ではよく見られます。

  [respond / which /common/ voice commands / smartphones / to / are] these days.


[have /runs/ who / I / an uncle ] a Japanese restaurant.


[your / that /an experience / broaden /it’s / will  ] world view.

(1)Smartphones which respond to voice commands are common these days.
(2)I have an uncle who runs a Japanese restaurant.
(3)It’s an experience that will broaden your world view.



 父: 銀行員,料理が得意 
: テニスを始めて10年,とても上手 
: 星に興味がある,星の観察が好き
Today I’d like to talk about my family.
   (     1       )  in my family.
My father, my mother, my sister and I.
My father works at a bank and cooks very well.
My mother    (      2      )   . 
She plays it very well.
My sister is interested in stars.  She likes watching them at night.
Thank you.
(1)	(例1)	There are four people		
        (例2)	I have four members
(2)	(例1)	has played tennis for ten years	
        (例2)	started to play tennis ten years ago

問2   ある中学生が友人の留学生に,紙芝居を使って京の都(Miyako)から来た女の子の物語を説明しています。絵を参考にして,英文中の(1),(2)に適切な英語を入れなさい。

 Every night the girl looked at stars and cried.  One night, the old man worried about her and asked, “   (      1      )   ?”  The girl answered, “I came from Miyako.  Soon some people from Miyako will come here and take me back there. 

But I    (      2      )   , because you are very kind to me.”

問2 解答	
(1)	(例1)	Why are you crying		
        (例2)	What's the matter
(2)	(例1)	don't want to go back  ( to Miyako )
        (例2)	want to stay with you

問3   あなたが今,会ってみたい人はだれですか。その理由を含めて3文以上の英語で書きなさい。

問3 解答
(例1)	I want to meet Ichiro.  I like him because he is a great baseball player.  
He always shows us exciting plays.  I want to ask him many questions about his life.
(例2)	I would like to meet Tezuka Osamu.  He gave children all over the world wonderful dreams. I want to make people happy like him.



