受験対策基礎英語 長文No34
大問1 次の英文を読んで,問1,問2,問3,問4の問いに答えなさい。
Akira loved drawing pictures. His grandmother, Kimiyo, used to be an art teacher and taught him how to draw pictures. She always said, “Draw the things that you like and enjoy drawing pictures.” Kimiyo sent picture-letters to Akira every month, and he always answered them. Akira was very happy to exchange picture-letters with Kimiyo. He drew the faces of his friends on his first picture-letter because he loved his friends very much. After he graduated from elementary school, he drew the beautiful cherry blossoms of his new school on his picture-letter. He was looking forward to his new life.
At junior high school, Akira joined the art club. In fall, there was a picture contest that he tried to win. He wanted to draw a good picture, so he drew the cherry trees again. He tried very hard and he was very busy. At last, he finished his picture and he thought it was a good one, but he couldn’t get a prize in the contest. Akira couldn’t enjoy drawing pictures any more. Kimiyo sent Akira Picture-letters, but he didn’t answer them.
One day in winter, Akira’s mother said, “Grandma is sick and now she is in the hospital.” Akira said, “Really? Is she OK?” She answered, “I’m not sure. I have to go now. Can you come with me?” Akira said, “Yes, of course. I want to know whether she is OK. I have to tell her…” While he was going to the hospital, (1)he looked down and didn’t say a word.
In the hospital, Kimiyo was looking at something on the bed. Akira said, “Hello, Grandma. How are you feeling?” Kimiyo answered, “I was a little tired, but I’m fine. Thank you, Akira.” Akira asked, “What are you looking at?” Kimiyo said, “Oh, these are the picture-letters from you, Akira. Look, they are so cute and beautiful.” Akira said, “Well… I stopped drawing pictures, so I couldn’t answer your letters. I’m sorry, Grandma.” Kimiyo said, “Akira, do you like drawing pictures? I always told you important things. Do you remember my words?” “You told me to draw the things that I liked, right?” Akira answered. Then, Kimiyo showed him the picture-letter of the cherry blossoms and said, “The cherry blossoms in this picture are shining and very beautiful. I think you were so happy when you drew this picture. I can feel your hope from it.” Akira said, “So I drew my favorite cherry trees for the contest, but I couldn’t get a prize. My picture is not good.” Kimiyo said, “Akira, do you really remember my words? You forgot (2)one more important thing. If you remember this, your picture will be a beautiful one. I always love your pictures.”
When Akira came back home, he started to draw the thing that he liked. He drew Kimiyo’s face on his picture-letter. He enjoyed drawing pictures again.
〔注〕 *picture-letter=絵手紙 *exchange=交換する *cherry blossom=桜の花
*contest=コンテスト *grandma=おばあちゃん *whether=~かどうか
問1 次の質問に対して,英語で答えなさい。(10点)
What did Akira draw on his first picture-letter? |
受験対策基礎英語 長文No34 単語
問2 下線部(1)の彰 (Akira) の気持ちを表している英語として,最も適切なものはどれか。(10点)
ア glad and excited イ worried and sorry
ウ worried but excited エ glad but sorry
問3 下線部(2)の指す内容は何か。具体的に日本語で書きなさい。(10点)
問4 本文の内容と一致するものはどれか。二つ選びなさい。(10点×2)
ア Akira received picture-letters from Kimiyo every week.
イ Akira got first prize in the contest, but he was not happy.
ウ Kimiyo stopped sending picture-letters to Akira after the picture contest.
エ Kimiyo was looking at the picture-letters from Akira when she was in the hospital.
オ Kimiyo didn’t like Akira’s pictures because they were not beautiful.
カ Akira started to draw pictures again after he came back from the hospital.
解答 問1 (例) He drew the faces of his friends (on it). 問2 イ 問3 (例) 絵を描くことを楽しむこと。 問4 エ・カ ※問4選択肢 ア × アキラはキミヨからの絵手紙を毎週受け取った。(毎週でなく毎月) イ × アキラはコンテストで1等を取ったが、幸せではなかった。(賞はとれなかった) ウ × キミヨはコンテストの後アキラに絵手紙を送ることを止めた。(送ったがアキラは返信しなかった) エ 〇 キミヨは入院中にアキラからの絵手紙を見ていた。 オ × キミヨはアキラの絵手紙が美しくなかったから好きではなかった。(I love your picturesとある) カ 〇 アキラは病院から帰った後、絵を描くことを始めた。
大問2 次の日本語は英語に、英語は日本語に直しなさい。(1点×50=50点)
① (絵を)描く (draw )
② grandmother(おばあちゃん)
③ used to (以前は・・・だった)
④ 先生 (teacher )
⑤ teachの過去形 (taught )
⑥ ~のしかた (how )(to )
⑦ sendの過去形 (sent )
⑧ 毎月 (every )(month )
⑨ 返事をする (answer )
⑩ 幸せな (happy )
⑪ drawの過去形 (drew )
⑫ 顔 (face )
⑬ 友達 (friend )
⑭ 最初の・1番目の(first )
⑮ graduate from(~を卒業する)
⑯ elementary school (小学校 )
⑰ 美しい (beautiful )
⑱ cherry blossoms (桜の花 )
⑲ ~を楽しみに待つ ( look )( forward )( to )
⑳ 中学校(junior)( high )school
㉑ 人生・生活 (life )
㉒ join (参加する・加わる)
㉓ art club (美術部 )
㉔ 秋 (fall )
㉕ win (勝つ )
㉖ ~したい( want )( to )~
㉗ だから ( so )
㉘ again (再び )
㉙ 忙しい (busy )
㉚ at last (ついに )
㉛ 終える・終わる (finish )
㉜ thinkの過去形 (thought )
㉝ prize ( 賞 )
㉞ can’tの過去形 (couldn’t )
㉟ ある日 (One )(day )※文頭が多い
㊱ sick (病気の )
㊲ in the hospital (入院中 )
㊳ something (何か・こと・もの)
㊴ 疲れた (tired )
㊵ 元気な (fine )
㊶ thisの複数形 (these )
㊷ itの複数形 (they )
㊸ cute (かわいい )
㊹ beautiful (美しい )
㊺ 手紙・文字 (letter )
㊻ tellの過去形 (told )
㊼ 重要な・大切な(important )
㊽ 覚えている (remember )
㊾ 冬 (winter )
㊿ home (家 )